._1SOvY { color:#000!important; } Media Blinds | Motorised and Manual | Spectrum Blinds
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Media Blinds

Available in motorised & Manuel options

Our Media blackout blind system effectively darkens the entire room by blocking out all of the light from the outdoors. It is perfect solution for the rooms where complete darkness is required like cinema room. It provides good insulation and hence making it easier to keep the house cool on those hot summer days.

Media blind option for windows is also very beneficial for those who purely just enjoy the luxury of a sleep in during day like families with young children and night shift workers. They are excellent privacy roller blinds with pelmets and added side channels which ensure that the sun will never be a problem while you want to relax in complete darkness.

Our indoor blinds are completely customized to fit your home perfectly. These custom blinds are one of a kind. By providing complete blackout, they also provide complete privacy making them a great option for bedroom window blinds or a bathroom blind.

Media Blinds With Cassette & Side Chenal To Give You Complete Blackout 

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